Your Can Washer Questions Answered

Streamlining the cleaning process is a chief goal in any commercial kitchen. Dirty wares pile up fast & it almost seems like there is no end in sight. However, a quick alternative exists – Can Washers. However, they can be quite complex to figure out at first glance. Let’s dive deeper.
In this article, we’ll go over 5 main questions about IMC can washers. We’ll go over options, installation, & maintenance tips. Let’s jump right to question #1.
1. Do I Really Need One? What are the Benefits?
Can washers are ideal for cleaning & washing all large & medium sized utensils/cans/pots. The main faucet is used for pot filling or cleaning. The spray brush head helps loosen solid waste. The built-in nozzle spray head at the bottom provides a powerful cleaning cycle. A scrap tray captures any solid particles & can be easily emptied & cleaned.
Think of can washers as an auxiliary component of your dishwasher. They cut down cleaning & sanitizing time by a significant margin. They also take up a smaller footprint & can be operated by nearly anyone with minimal training. Can washers also reduce costs associated with cleaning & sanitation.
2. How Do You Set Them Up?
We’ve written two guides for both IMC can washers: DL-2 & DL20-1
However, we’ll go through the important parts here. Every can washer must be plumbed correctly to operate properly. This means you’ll need to make all the connections to the faucet & waste drain. Flex hoses are also mandatory to connect your foot pedals. Two flex hoses are needed – one for cold water & one for hot water.
Once these connections have been made, you should have running water in your can washer & you’ll be ready to use it. Of course, use your discretion on installing, not all environments are the same.
3. So, What’s the Difference Between IMC Model DL-2 & DL20-1?
Both IMC can washers serve the same purpose, but offer two main differences:
- DL-2 is more compact, so it’s suitable for areas with tight floor space.
- DL20-1 comes with the added functionality of a utility sink so it holds & dries wares.
Other than that, both can washers have equivalent options & function in the same manner.
4. What Are Some Important Options?
Both can washers come with an array of options. Both can be paired with a utility shelf (24” or 36” long) to hold your cleansers or cleaning supplies. Longer faucet hoses are also available. Lastly, side splashes can be equipped on your can washer to keep liquids inside of the equipment & off your walls. Equip your can washer with options that will only enhance your productivity.
4. How Often Should I Clean the Scrap Tray?
We recommend clearing out the scrap tray at least once per day. However, if you are seeing higher volume, it’s wise to clear it out as much as possible. Scrap trays can fill up quickly with debris & particles, so it’s best to get rid of the waste habitually. Just keep a close monitor of it & you’ll be fine.
Can washers are a utility sink that is worth having in your lineup to quickly & effectively reduce cleaning time. It’s ultimately a companion piece that is easy to use & maintain suitable for any commercial kitchen. To better serve you, both IMC can washer models #DL-2 & #DL20-1 are stock items & can be shipped within 1-2 days. To learn more about how IMC’s can washers, click here.