Introducing Model #ICBS – The Mobile Ice Bin

Today, we’re displaying a new type of ice bin designed to be compact & maneuverable. Keeping your ice sanitary while chilling your drinks will be no issue here. This is Model #ICBS.
Major Features
The unit comes standard with a sliding door, so it may be rolled underneath your prep tables & access easily. A shut off valve connected to a 1″ IPS drain underneath the unit enables you to drain out excess liquid.
A traditional hinged door is available as an option (Model #ICBS-H). The unit is suitable for indoor or outdoor use as well.
Unit is mounted on 16GA S/S 1⅝” legs. Casters, (2) with brakes, are included for easy mobility.
For scooping, a standard ice scooper (not shown) is mounted on the front of each unit for convenience.
Take a look below:
What’s the Real Benefit?
Ice is considered a food product so it must be treated as such. Having an ice bin with a small footprint will be an asset for your meal services. The proprietary sliding door design gives you a way to hide away your ice bin underneath prep tables or work closets, freeing up valuable floor space.
Your ice deserves only the best. Model #ICBS is available now & can be customized to fit your application. The ice bin will be shown in person at the upcoming NAFEM Show in our booth #3212.To learn more about how IMC’s mobile ice bin, click here.