The Definitive Dishtable Maintenance Guide

Plates, dishes & bowls are used in every restaurant environment. This means they will have to be constantly washed & sanitized throughout the day. Dishtables enable this by temporarily holding your dirty wares & then your clean wares. With that said, having your dishtables in working condition should be a top priority. But, what exactly should you look out for in the maintenance aspect?

In this article, we will go over 4 ways to properly maintain your IMC dishtable. This will include tips for both soiled & clean dishtables. Let’s get to work.

1. Food Debris Must Go

This pertains more toward soiled dishtables, but the key is to eliminate all large food debris off your wares before it enters into your dishwasher. This will prevent large chunks of food from entering into the dishwasher potentially causing issues such as clogs or malfunctions.

Make use of your pre-rinse sink on your soiled dishtable. This means making sure it actually works! Check the faucet & hose itself for any damage. If your sink has a scrap basket, clear it out from time to time. Also check to see if your garbage disposal is functioning & attached firmly to your soiled dishtable.

Once all large food debris has been cleared away, make sure the dishtable is clear for the next round of wares. Debris can pile up quickly so keeping on top of this is paramount.

2. Standing Tall

Most dishwashers are attached to your dishtables, so one side of your table may not have legs. This puts all the pressure on one end of your dishtable.

Make sure the legs are straight with no damage or bends. Check the gussets for any signs of wear. Adjust the bullet feet accordingly so the dishtable is perfectly aligned & level with your dishwasher. 

3. Accessory Maintenance

Dishtables really shine when you option them out with multiple accessories. Some common options include overshelves, sink bowls, & scrap baskets. Periodically check these accessories for any constant wear. In particular, here are some tips:

A. Overshelves – Are they straight? Give them a quick wipe down after each service to sanitize them.

B. Sink Bowls – They are a haven for germs & bacteria if you do not sanitize them regularly. Special attention should be brought to your sink bowl(s) during cleaning.

C. Scrap Baskets – They can become easily clogged when large scraps enter into the equation. They are also a commonly used item so check for any damage.

4. Be Careful with Cleaners

Avoid using cleaning products & chemicals that could damage the surface of your dishtable. Stay away from products such as bleach or chlorine-based detergents, steel wool or corrosive products. Don’t fall into the trap of using bad habits when cleaning.

Only use products that are safe to use on stainless steel surfaces such as micro-fiber cleaning towels & baking soda. Your choice of cleansers & tools will make all the difference in the longevity of your dishtables.

Dishtables are a vital part of your commercial kitchen, so routine maintenance is a must. Wares can pile up quickly, especially in higher volume environments. Without dishtables, there would be no reliable way for wares to be placed before or after washing. For our full dishtable lineup, click here.

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