The Definitive Guide to IMC’s Scrap Baskets

In a commercial kitchen setting, washing, sanitizing & rinsing is just part of the job. One aspect is getting rid of leftover scraps on your wares to complete the washing process. Sometimes these scraps can be too large for most drains to manage so specially designed scrap baskets are needed to capture & filter out the oversized debris. What else are they good for?

In this article, we’ll go over the function of a scrap basket & detail out each scrap basket that IMC offers. Let’s begin.

Scrap Basket – Think of it as a Giant Strainer!

Scrap baskets are small sized products built to comfortably fit into your sink bowl (most of the time a pre-rinse sink) during usage. Scrap baskets have some sort of handle(s) so they can be lifted in & out of your sink bowl with ease. These “giant strainers” also possess the signature perforated hole appearance, which helps in draining excess liquids. Most scrap baskets are shaped like a square or rectangle also.

 As mentioned above, they are guards for your drains. Large debris can cause plumbing problems, costing you time & money in potential repairs. Scrap baskets prevent this problem entirely.

Scrap baskets can also be used as colanders when they are inserted into worktables. This enables you to rinse fruits & vegetables for service. 

Scrap Baskets for IMC Dishtables & Worktables

IMC offers two types for scrap baskets made specifically for dishtables & worktables:

Scrap Basket w/ Stainless Steel Slides

 The most common type of scrap basket IMC manufactures is the classic basket with stainless steel slides. This scrap basket features tubular handles so your dishwasher racks can slide across with ease. Easy to lift in & out of sink bowls. Here are some product photos with the scrap basket installed:

Scrap Basket w/ Interior Handles

The other type is a scrap basket with interior handles. This design allows for more usable area without the tubular handles. The edges are also flanged for easier fitment inside of your sink bowl. 

Scrap Baskets for IMC Scullery Sinks

For scullery sinks, IMC produces two types of scrap baskets:

Shallow Depth, Tall Handles

The standard bowl depth for IMC scullery sinks is 14″. With that said, the scrap basket goes deep inside of the sink bowl during use. To retrieve it, elongated handles are needed to gain a better control of the scrap basket. This first type is shallow for light usage.

Deep, Tall Handles

A deeper basin design version is also available for use. It still retains the tall handles from the shallow version. Will fit into all IMC scullery sinks firmly.

Scrap baskets are a vital component for any product that contains a sink bowl. Without them, clogging may occur. Keep ahead of the game by configuring your dishtable, scullery sink or worktable with a scrap basket today. To learn more about how IMC can cater to your stainless steel needs, click here.

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