Stainless steel worktables shown w/ optional undershelves, drawers, overshelves (w/ pot rack), sink bowl & utility chase

Stainless steel 2 compartment sink w/ left & right drainboards shown w/ optional overflow, undershelves & overshelf

Stainless steel worktable shown w/ 6” backsplash, optional drawer & undershelf. Angle frame scale stand shown to the left.

Stainless steel modular serving system w/ display case & protector case (by others). Countertop & tray slide provided by IMC/Teddy.

Stainless steel worktables shown w/ optional drawers, electrical receptacles, overshelf (w/ pot rack) & undershelf. Slicer table with flanged feet pictured on the right.

Stainless steel worktable shown w/ optional drawer, electrical receptacle, overshelf (w/ pot rack) & undershelf.

Stainless steel worktables shown w/ optional drawers & undershelves, overshelves & electrical receptacles. Slicer table w/ flanged feet pictured on the right.

Bottom: Stainless steel cashier counter w/ cash drawer & casters. Utility counter w/ intermediate shelf is attached to the unit. Top: Stainless steel cold food counter & hot food counter both shown w/ display cases, sneeze guards & protector cases (by others). Solid “V” tray slide runs along the left side of the equipment