Must-Follow Maintenance Techniques for Hot Food Counters

It’s no secret that hot food counters are the core of any buffet or meal service. They are the home to your hot foods such as poultry, pork & beef. However, they are simply not an item you can install & forget about. They require a certain level of upkeep to perform at their best. What exactly is involved in the maintenance?
In this article, we will go over 4 ways to properly maintain your IMC hot food counter. This will include tips for the main counter plus the wells. Let’s get to it.
1. Turn Up the Heat
The cardinal rule of any hot food counter is operating it the right way! This includes having the temperature of your wells set to the correct number at all times. The FDA advises that this temperature be 140°F or above. Make sure your thermometer(s) are in working order to avoid growth of harmful bacteria. A common test to make sure your thermometer is working is to use boiling water & see if the reading is correct.
There is also the issue of reheating. Reheating food means to cook it again, not simply to warm it up. You must treat the food as if it is being cooked for the first time. The food will need to be tested for a higher temperature than in the first session of cooking.
2. Exterior Maintenance
Hot food counters can become greasy, buttery & slippery especially after a long meal service. Furthermore, food residue can seep into the unit which can cause electrical or mechanical problems over time. How do you solve this? By performing a daily cleaning routine, of course.
Being that the exterior is made from stainless steel; all the standard cleaning rules apply. Use only soft tools such as microfiber cleaning cloths & non-abrasive cleaners such as baking soda. Wipe with the grain & leave no moisture behind.
Clean all surfaces including the inside of the wells, tray slides, undershelves, etc. Sneeze guards (if equipped) will need the use of a glass cleaner to eliminate dirt/fingerprints.
3. Don’t Forget the Wells
With the exterior of the hot food counter taken care of, you’ll have to pay close attention to the food wells themselves. Every food well must be clean, clear & polished.
Cleaning your food well may seem straightforward, but the key is to avoid using cold water on a dry heated well. This can cause thermal shock, potentially causing warping. Use warm, soapy water instead. Wells can have some tricky angles, so make sure every inch is covered.
Keep your food wells clear of any debris & thoroughly dry them. Leaving water in the wells can lead to hard water deposits, which can tarnish the well instead.
With the wells cleaned & cleared off, keep them looking sparkling clean with polish. Lemon oil is a good, affordable way of making your stainless steel shine through the years.
4. Toggles/Accessory Check
With the body & wells taken care of, this leaves the optional accessories & small toggles to tend to. The most important accessory to check is the sneeze guard. Without sneeze guards, food can become contaminated by human contact (e.g. coughing & sneezing). Make sure it is free of any damage such as cracks or bends.
Check all toggles & switches of the wells. Are the bulbs burnt out? Are the lights bright enough?
Be sure to look for any deterioration of any small parts such as the power cord. Open the counter itself & inspect all internal components for any signs of unusual wear. Finally, if your counter has a tray slide equipped, make sure it is straight & clean.
Hot food counters are just one important piece of the big picture of your meal service. Keeping up with regular routine maintenance will only prolong the life of your counter. For our full hot food counter lineup, click here.