Reflecting on The NAFEM Show 2023


2019 was the last time that IMC attended or exhibited in-person events. That event happened to be the last NAFEM show. Fast forward to 2023 & we’ve come full circle with the conclusion of the latest NAFEM event. It’s so exhilarating to be back on tour!

For this week’s blog, we’d like to share our appreciation & express our gratitude to those who showed us support throughout the show. We also want to give a few notes on the future of IMC based on what was presented at the show. This is our reflection.

To Our Reps

The breakfast meeting was a resounding success & a lot of fun! We were very happy to see the constant high energy in the room! We have not seen many of you in a number of years & it was refreshing to see your familiar faces again. It was truly a memorable reunion. To the newcomers, we were definitely excited to finally meet in person after much communication via phone/e-mail/Zoom over the past couple of years!

We believe the breakfast meeting was productive & educational – with emphasis on focusing our efforts in 2023 & beyond. Thank you all again for your attendance & we hope you came away with useful information to aid in your efforts.

To The Booth Attendees

The pandemic held us back from networking with all of you, but it was a relief to see everyone face-to-face once again. We were appreciative of how many interested individuals came to our booth! Many were seeking quick product advice. Many were open to 1-on-1 training. Many also wanted to know what IMC is planning for the year ahead.

We are especially appreciative of the continuing support of our trusted consultants & dealers throughout the years. We were very pleased to see your positive reactions throughout the showcase.

The seepage flange learning center was the centerpiece of our booth experience – providing useful information for your own upcoming projects. We hope everyone came away with a better understanding of floor troughs & the different types of seepage flanges as well.

Let’s not forget the stars of the show – the products themselves! Our display was heavily aimed toward hygienic products such as hand & utility sinks due to the ongoing pandemic & the need for boosting hygiene. We were certainly delighted to see the level of interest in the sink products. Other classic, popular hits included the 2-compartment sink & mop sink cabinets. Always good to see the ongoing support for these items.

Lastly, our cookie giveaway was a smashing success as well! We want to thank the talented cookie artists & bakers who came through & delivered on our vision of providing a fun, tasty treat for everyone.

So, What’s Next for IMC?

Now that the dust has cleared, we’re focusing our sales & marketing efforts on pushing the newly released products that were present at the booth. We were thrilled with the positive reaction to these items & we believe they can fit perfectly into any commercial facility setting. We are also stepping up our digital presence through social media, especially YouTube, in an impactful way this year. Keep on the lookout for many educational tutorials & presentations throughout the year.

IMC/Teddy is a living, breathing, growing entity & we feed off of the positive support from our reps & clients. Let’s keep that high energy going! To stay up-to-date with the latest developments, please feel free to join our mailing list. Thank you all again for a successful event & we look forward to seeing everyone at the next show!

– Suzanne Meno & the IMC/Teddy Team

*Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of IMC/Teddy. Our content is intended to be used and must be used for informational purposes only. Please contact IMC/Teddy directly if you would like to feature this post on your webpage. Thank you.

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