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- Create Date July 5, 2017
- Last Updated November 19, 2021
UVC-2226 Model Knife Sterilizing
Cabinet is manufactured
of 18GA type 304 stainless
steel, completely welded and
polished to a brushed finish.
Unique design door opening
prevents ultra violet leakage.
Double pan door is provided
with latch and key for security.
Equipped with a removable
knife rack for easy cleaning.
Rack holds knives upright to
permit full sterilization of
knife edges.
Germicidal ultra violet sterilizing
light is automatically energized
when door is closed.
Integral timer starts sterilizing
cycle and a red pilot light is lit.
When sterilization is complete,
red pilot light shuts and a
green ready light indicates
cycle completion. Unit is
equipped with a 120V cord and
plug. All wiring connections
are concealed at the top with
an access panel for service.
Factory prewired unit is
equipped with an 8 watt germicidal
u.v. lamp, timer switch,
indicator lights, knife rack and
hooks. Door latches can be
locked for security.
IMC Knife Sterilizer Cabinet
uses germicidal UV to disinfect
and purify knives and other
kitchen tools. The cabinet is
designed to generate UV dosages
in excess of 30,000 microwatts
per square centimeter in
the timed cycle and destroys
99.9% of microorganisms. Use
with cleaned and drying tools
and knives only. Do not attempt
to operate with door
Unique Features:
• Non-chemical disinfecting.
• Uses only highest quality
UV germicidal fixture.
• Time tested proved technology
from UV pioneers.
• Removal knife stand and
tool hooks.
• Free standing or wall
mounted cabinet.
• All welded stainless steel.
• NSF Construction
Mirrored Door
Opaque Glass Door
Custom Sizes
Single or Double Doors
UVC-2226 - Knife Sterilizing Cabinet
Specifications subject to change without notice.
Project________________________Consultant___________________Model Number______________Item Number_________
P.O. Box 206
Copiague, NY 11726-0206
UVC-10 0104
Fax: 631-789-3633
*Price Page 55
P.O. Box 206
Copiague, NY 11726-0206
UVC-10 0104
Fax: 631-789-3633
*See Price book page 55 for options.
Specifications subject to change without notice.
UVC-2226 - Knife Sterilizing Cabinet
What is Ultraviolet?
Ultra violet light is part of the light
spectrum, which is classified into
three wavelength ranges:
- UV-C, from 100 nanometers (nm) to
280 nm
- UV-B, from 280 nm to 315 nm
- UV-A, from 315 nm to 400 nm
What is Germicidal Ultraviolet?
UV-C light is germicidal - i.e., it deactivates the DNA of bacteria, viruses pathogens and thus
destroys their ability to multiply and cause disease. The process is non-chemical, simple
and economical to operate.