Stainless steel 3 compartment sink w/ left & right drainboards shown w/ optional overflow & overshelf

Stainless steel hot food counter shown w/ optional protector case & work shelf. Utility counter w/ work shelf pictured in the center. Cold food counter shown w/ protector case & work shelf shown on the top.

Stainless steel hot food counter shown w/ optional protector case, work shelf & undershelf. Utility counter w/ work shelf pictured on the right.

Stainless steel cold food counter shown w/ protector case & work shelf pictured on the bottom.Utility counter w/ work shelf pictured in the center. Hot food counter shown w/ optional protector case & work shelf pictured on the top.

Stainless steel worktable shown w/ optional drawer, undershelf & electrical receptacle. Slicer table w/ flanged feet pictured on the right.