Stainless steel worktables shown w/ optional undershelves & electrical receptacles. Worktable on left features an optional overshelf.

Stainless steel worktable shown w/ optional drawer, overshelf & electrical receptacle. Slicer table w/ flanged feet shown to the right.

Stainless steel worktable shown w/ optional sink bowls, undershelf & overshelfdrainboards shown w/ optional undershelf & overshelf

Stainless steel worktables shown w/ optional drawer, undershelves & electrical receptacles. Worktable on left features an overshelf. Worktable in the far rear features an overshelf with a pot rack.

Stainless steel 3 compartment sink w/ left & right drainboards shown w/ optional overflow & overshelf

Stainless steel modular serving system shown w/ display case (by others). Countertop provided by IMC/Teddy.

Stainless steel modular serving system shown w/ display case (by others). Countertop provided by IMC/Teddy.