What to Ask Before Selecting a Commercial Sink Faucet

Commercial sink faucets come in all shapes & sizes. In fact, the amount of styles & variations can be downright confusing. Nothing is more frustrating than purchasing a sink faucet only to have it not compatible with your brand new sink fixture. There has to be a simpler method of choosing the right commercial sink faucet.

In this article, we’ll give you the most common questions & answers when selecting a commercial sink faucet. We’ll also give you some IMC faucet models to give you a helpful visual look. Let’s get to it.

1. Will the mounting height of my hand sink affect my faucet choice?

It depends. For standard deck mounted or splash mounted faucets, hand sink height shouldn’t matter too much as long as patrons can put their hands underneath the spout comfortably.

Believe it or not some commercial sink faucets are too large to be placed in the sink itself. For example, a pre-rinse faucet or pot filler is far too big to fit into the bowl itself. These will have to be mounted on the wall or a separate area from the sink.

Try to determine what your needs are before buying these special types of faucets. Also, make sure you allocate enough space for your hand sink & faucet!

2. Deck mounted or splash mounted? Is one better than the other? 

The short answer is no. Although it is a matter of preference & style, the functions of both remain the same. Deck mounted types are the most common type. However, if space is a concern, splash mounted types will suit best.

Be mindful of how many holes your deck or backsplash has. You don’t want to run into a situation where your faucet has 2 valve stems & your sink only has 1 hole to accommodate.

3. Are two mounting holes better than one? Does it matter?

The short answer again is no. Most faucets are designed to fit into a 4″ or 8″ on center (OC) hole. Once again, check the hole layout of your sink!

The main difference between two vs. one hole faucets is the water delivery. Two holes means hot & cold water is separated while one hole means hot & cold water is usually mixed.

4. What about electronic or manual faucets? How about hands-free options?

With the advent of COVID-19 (Coronavirus), many commercial businesses are shifting their focus to electronic & hands-free solutions to minimize contact on the faucet itself. With that said, both electronic & manual faucets have pros & cons.

Electronic faucets require a bit of set up & cost more than traditional manual faucets, but the huge benefit is the faucet becomes a no contact surface so it remains clean & hygienic.

Traditional manual faucets cost less & you have better control of the flow & temperature of the water coming out.

Hand-free options such as knee valves & foot pedals are also a viable option when operating a faucet, but may not be the most user friendly for regular patrons. Employees & staff can benefit greatly from these hands-free options especially if they are cleaning & sanitizing utensils.

5. Are there any other accessories to add?

There are many options to add to faucets, each will depend on your usage. A common accessory to have is an eye wash station, which snaps onto an existing faucet. An eye wash station is useful for quickly cleaning your face & eyes in the event of a dangerous splash. For standard faucets, the faucet handles will either be wrist or lever type.

Although not directly affecting the faucet, a soap dispenser & towel dispenser are handy to have in your washing area. Manual & electronic variations of these dispensers also exist, so choose one that will best fit your application.

IMC Faucets

So now that you are armed with the right questions to ask about faucets, here’s a look at some current IMC faucets in our catalog. Each of these faucets can be used with any hand sink our lineup. These faucets are used for different applications. Please feel free to contact us to discuss your requirements.

IMC/Teddy understands that opting for the correct faucet can be a tricky ordeal. Knowing the right questions to ask before purchasing will ensure that you pick the best possible faucet for your hand sink. To learn more about how IMC’s hand sinks & other applicable accessories, click here.

*Disclaimer: The views and opinions expressed in this article are those of IMC/Teddy. Our content is intended to be used and must be used for informational purposes only. Please contact IMC/Teddy directly if you would like to feature this post on your webpage. Thank you.

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